What does that mean? Basically, it means you can order the books I recommend here, and the transaction will be processed by Amazon.com. Click on the name of the book, and you will see the book description and be given the chance to purchase it. No commitment is made to buy the book when you click on my link. No commitment to buy the book is made when you add the book to your shopping cart. Only when you choose to "check out" will you be asked for payment information. Amazon.com provides secure internet transactions, so you may be assured of the safety of your credit card information.
You may use your browser's "back" button to come back to my site once you have browsed the Amazon.com listing. You may add books to your shopping cart and check out later--as I said, no commitment to buy is made until you choose to "check out."
Once you have agreed to purchase a book, any further questions you have should be directed to Amazon.com, not to me. I have no control over shipping times, payment methods, or any other part of the process. Basically, I just put up links to their catalogue, and they do the rest.
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